About Us

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishop's Committee on Migration established an organization of airport chaplains in 1986. The mission of the National Conference of Catholic Airport Chaplains (NCCAC) is "to teach and witness to the word of God and to serve His people by fostering their growth and renewal through prayer, study and Catholic service for airport personnel and travelers" (NCCAC Constitution).

The NCCAC is governed by an Administrative Board consisting of elected Pastoral members and a Bishop member appointed by the USCCB.
The current board members are:

(Office, Name, Airport, Diocese)

President: Fr. Michael G. Zaniolo, STL, CAC; ORD/MDW; Chicago
Vice Pres.: Fr. Charles Samperi, CAC; IAH; Houston
Secretary: Mrs. Susan Schneider, CAP; ORD/MDW; Chicago
Treasurer: Deacon Ray Oden, CAC; IAH Houston

Board Members: Deacon Joe Krzanowski, CAC; TPA; Tampa
Deacon David Reiser, CAC; CLT; Charlotte

USCCB: Most Rev. Jeff Grob, JCD, Archbishop of Milwaukee

Many airport chapels are interreligious and ecumenical, providing chaplains and services for Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Muslims, as well as a peaceful and prayerful space for people who practice any faith or religion.

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